About My Child’s Stay

We want to answer your questions as best we can. Below are parents' most asked questions.
When can I visit my child?
Parents and grandparents may visit their children at any time. Other visitors are welcome from 8 am to 9 pm daily. During cold and flu season, however, there may be limitations on the visitation of brothers and sisters younger than seven years of age. parents and caregivers may make overnight accommodations. Simple and limited accommodations and bedding are available for parents to stay overnight. To make arrangements at the Baltimore campus, contact the unit secretary; at the Prince George's campus, please speak with the nurse.
Is there a doctor available all the time?
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital has 24-hour on-site pediatric coverage. We have an interdisciplinary team of pediatric specialists who are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to each child.
What should I do if I'm worried that my child's condition has worsened and needs immediate attention?
Ask the nurse to call the Rapid Response Team. This team will check in with your child and talk to you.
Will my child get rehab every day?
Your child will be scheduled for rehab depending upon his or her individual needs. The therapists and physician will assess your child and determine the frequency of rehab services necessary for his or her best outcome.
Will my child receive school services?
Educational services for school-aged children are provided by the Baltimore City School System through the Baltimore City Home and Hospital program. Teachers in this program use Mt. Washington as their home school, and there are designated classrooms for the children. The services are for those children who will be at Mt. Washington during the school year for at least 10 school days and are currently enrolled in a public school. Baltimore County Home and Hospital also provides separate school services for patients who reside in Baltimore County.
Can I bring my child's pajamas?
You are encouraged to bring your child's own clothing and pajamas to wear during their stay here. If you are unable to do so, clothing will be provided. All children's clothing is laundered by parents. Please make sure all clothes are clearly labeled with the child's first and last name.
Will I receive help once my child arrives home?
Our care team will help you coordinate with caregivers in your community or arrange follow-up care at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital through your primary care physician.
Where can I find more support resources?
The Maryland Family Network offers a number of Family Support Centers across Maryland. View the list of family support center locations.
Can I tour the hospital?
Absolutely. Most parents find taking a tour of our facility to be very helpful. You may arrange a tour by calling our Admissions Office at 410-578-2600.